A. Omanensis is reputedly the Holy Grail of Clownfish. Surf the internet and virtually no information exists on this fish, with the exception, perhaps, of a single decades-old photo. When you do find a photo or two it is usually photos of a brown Bicinctus variation misidentified as an Oman.
Photos above & below: A. Omanensis
A. Omanensis is endemic to the Sultanate of Oman, which has a roughly north-south coastline of 1,242 miles. The Sultanate shares its southern borders with Yemen and its northern with The United Arab Emirates. Its western border is shared with Saudi Arabia. Off it's north eastern coast, lies Oman's largest island - Masirah. The typical sea surface temperature of the Oman is 78.80F - 82.76F.
While the general conformation and color of the Oman Anemonefish are consistent, there are numerous variations, both subtle and obvious, within the species' northern and southern populations.
Here are several markers unique to the Oman Anemonefish/Clownfish.
Juvenile Omanensis
a) Caudal fin light cream to white. Caudal fin is generally slightly truncated and strongly forked in adults 18 months and older. Females generally have a more strongly fork caudal fin, while males have a slightly forked caudal fin. Juveniles generally do not develop a forked tail until 16 months and older.
Young adult male Omanensis
b) Body coloration is light to dark brown, light brownish brick red. An extremely rare color variation is bright brick red. The southern most population of Omanensis has a light diffused yellow coloration at the top half of the body just below the dorsal fin, face and under the lower jaw.
Brick red Omanensis
c) Pelvic and anal fins are generally black, however the anal fin may not always be entirely black. Black pelvic and anal fin coloration also applies to the extremely rare bright brick red variation.
Omanensis with blue stripe
d) Its not uncommon to see visibly blue hues on both head and body bars. Local divers call Omans "brown fish with narrow blue waist belt.
Omanensis without middle bar
" While the head bar is generally pinched at the top, Omans in the southern most parts of the Omani coastal waters generally have wider unconstricted head bars, prompting marine biologists to speculate the possibility of them having hybridized with the local Clarkii population.
Southernmost Omanensis with thick head bar
The middle bar of Omanensis is generally narrow, between one to four scales wide. A reasonable number of Omans have an incomplete middle bar, or are absent the middle bar.
Tiny juvenile Omanensis
The number of Omanensis outside the Sultanate is said to be fewer than six. All are accounted for. To date we know of no one within or outside the Sultanate that has bred this rarest of Clownfish. Perhaps in the very near future a suitable person(s) may be found to take on this task of captive breeding Omans, ultimately making them available to us and the rest of the world.
Photo below: A. Percula (True Percula) Hosting a Saddle Carpet Anemone
The True Percula (A. Percula) is often mistaken for A. Ocellaris aka. Common Clownfish/ "Nemo". You can differentiate the two by the thick black coloration surrounding the three white bands. Its dorsal fin usually has 10 spines compared to 11 in A. Ocellaris. The True Percula is a hardy fish that is well suited for aquarium life. Perhaps one of the easiest and hardiest marine fish to keep. Primary body coloration varies from bright orange to orange brown to reddish orange.
Host Anemone Heteractis crispa, Stichodactyla gigantea, Heteractis magnifica in captivity it will also host, S.mertensii, Saddle Carpet and Entacmaea quadricolor
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel,shrimp, cod,salmon, tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes, and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores. Be sure to also include veggies, eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc. With the exception of A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus, the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F; SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Indonesia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and Solomon Islands.
A. Frenatus aka. Tomato Clown, Bridled Clownfish, and Red Clownfish is a robust and hardy fish. It is a good beginner's fish. Juveniles usually have two white bands, but will eventually lose the middle band between 12 and 24 month. Red is its primary body coloration. However all shades of red including orange red are acceptable. As the fish matures, black will overlay most of its body. Tomato clowns have a single generally thick band running from its forehead to its lower gill covers.
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon, tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pellets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores. Be sure to also include veggies, eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc, Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the South China Sea.
Photos below: A. Frenatus - Juvenile and other color variation
A. Melanopus is also commonly known as Cinnamon Clownfish/Anemonefish, Red & Black Clownfish/Anemonefish, or Black Anemonefish. It's body coloration is red (all shades are acceptable) and orange red. Fins are orange to very pale semi translucent red. When matured, black overlay is the dominant body color, thus it's other common name - Black & Red, and Black Clownfish. A hardy saltwater fish and a good beginner fish for your aquarium.
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis crispa and H. magnifica
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp,krill,finely chopped mussel,shrimp,cod,salmon,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets,flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include vegies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Fiji, Indondesia, Maldives, Vanuatu, Tonga, Solomon Islands.
A. Chrysopterus, while not considered a rare Clownfish the blue stripe is not commonly found in the aquarium trade. It's other common name is Orange Fin Anemonefish. Chrysopterus originating from The Solomon Islands have White Caudal Fins (tail). Those from Fiji have Yellow Caudal Fins. The blue stripes of Chrysopterus is derived from light reflection rather than being actually blue, thus the amount of blue is not consistent with each fish.
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor, H. Mertensii, H. crispa, H. aurora, Stichodactyla haddoni.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp,krill,finely chopped mussel,shrimp,cod,salmon,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets,flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include vegies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes, Fiji, The Solomon Islands, PNG, Coral Sea, Tonga, Marshall Islands, and Vanuatu.
Premnas Biaculeatus also known as Maroon Clownfish, Spiny Cheek Anemonefish/Clownfish and Spine-Cheeked Clownfish/Anemonefish. Known to be the largest of all Clownfish it can reach sizes of between 6 and 8 inches. This is an aggressive fish and should probably not share the same aquarium with other Clownfish. Extra care must be take when trying to pair Maroon Clowns as the can severely injure or even kill its potential mate. Body coloration bright red to dark burgundy red and brick red. All fins are same coloration as its body. They have three white to grey bars/stripe of varying width. Two long spines one on each cheek is usually present. Extra care should be taken when netting maroons to prevent entanglement. There is a variety found in Malaysia with yellow/gold bands/stripe. More recently an extreme variation The Lightning Rod Maroon Clownfish was found in PNG. Other variations include The Morse Code Maroon Clownfish, The Naked Stripe maroon Clownfish and the Naked Maroon Clownfish. Maroons will very often re-decorate, landscape or rather re-aquascape your aquarium. Maroons are hardy saltwater fish that do well in captivity.
Photos below: Yellow Stripe Maroon Clownfish aquascaping. Notice the fine sand in right pic clouding the water as this maroon clown re-aquascapes
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp,cod, salmon,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets,flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include vegies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Papua New Guinea.
Amphiprion Barberi, also known as Fiji Barberi Clownfish/Anemonefish is the newest addition to the Clownfish family making it the 29th member. A. Barberi initially thought to be a variation of the Cinnamon Clownfish (A. Melanopus) was first described by Dr. Allen as a separate species. Body coloration bright red to orange red. This body coloration is distinctly different from A. Melanopus which has a substantial black overlaying its base red body. Its face is generally bright yellow-orange, this includes dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, anal and caudal fins. This is a hardy beginner fish and a nice addition to any saltwater aquarium. It's darting and bobbing swim motion makes it an intriguing fish to observe.
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp,krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp,cod, salmon, tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F; SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
Amphiprion Akallopisos aka, False Skunk Clown, Peach Skunk Clownfish. Its body coloration is generally creamy peach to light orange. Lower body coloration generally a diffused yellow, starting from lower jaw to lower base of caudal fin. A narrow strip of white starting from top of lip to base of caudal fin. Often interchangeably misidentified as Orange Shunk Clownfish. Akallopisos has a pointed arrow tip like white strip starting just before its upper lip line. The Orange Skunk Clownfish/Anemonefish Clownfish/Anemonefish (A. Sandaracinos) has its white strip ending over its lip line and its white strip is flat, broader and not pointed.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Indonesia, Thailand, Madagascar, Kenya, Seychelles.
Amphiprion Polumnus aka Black Saddleback Clownfish/Anemonefish also comes in a brown variety. Common names for the brown variety are, Saddle Clown, Red Saddleback Anemonefish and Saddleback Clownfish. Body coloration, base color black with brown the base body coloration for the brown variety. The Black Saddleback also has a variation that has a yellow under belly. Both the brown and black saddleback have to relatively broad white bands/stripes. The middle band is generally forward leaning and usually incomplete, giving it the appearance of a half boomerang. When viewed from the top it gives the appearance of a saddle hence the name saddleback. It is not uncommon for the back edges of its dorsal and caudal fish to have white linings.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Indonesia, Malay Archipelago, Southern Islands of Japan, Australia.
Amphiprion Ephippium also know as, Fire Clownfish, Red Saddle Clownfish/Anemonefish grows to about 5inches. Body coloration is deep bright red to bright orange red. Caudal fin and the back parts of its dorsal and anal fins tend to be yellowish orange. While a hardy fish it is not as hardy as the Maroon Clownfish or Ocellaris. It lacks the single white band/stripe found on Melanopus (Cinnamon Clownfish) and Frenatus (Tomato Clownfish). It does however have a large black spot/saddle on both sides of its body. This black spot is generally situated on the back half of its body and varies in size depending on age. Pectoral fins generally have narrow black edgings on the front. The Red Saddle Anemonefish is not commonly seen in the aquarium trade.
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor. Heteractis crispa. Amphiprion Ephippium also know as, Fire Clownfish, Red Saddle Clownfish/Anemonefish
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp,krill,finely chopped mussel,shrimp,cod,salmon,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets,flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include vegies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F; SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nicobar Islands, Thailand, Andaman Islands.
Amphiprion Sandaracinos, also known as Orange Skunk Clownfish/Anemonefish, Skunk Striped Clownfish, Eastern Skunk Clownfish, but not to be confused with A. Akallopisos aka False/Peach Skunk Clownfish. Both species have a single white stripe along the top of their backs. Body coloration light to deep orange. Juveniles that a captive bred generally have a pinkish orange body coloration. The orange coloration increases with age.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Indonesia, Southern Islands of Japan, Australia, Philippines, Melanesia
Amphiprion Bicinctus also know as Red Sea Clownfish/Anemonefish, Two Banded Clownfish/Anemonefish. Body coloration light red, bright orange to dark brown, light black body coloration have been observed in older Bicinctus in captivity. The Bicinctus population around the waters off Eilat, Israel generally have light to dark brown body coloration, while the Bicinctus population around the waters off El Quseir, Egypt generally have light red to bright yellow body coloration. Once established Bicinctus is a hardy saltwater fish.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes the Red Sea, Chagos Archipelago, Gulf of Aden, South Western Oman.
Amphiprion Ocellaris aka, False Percula Clownfish/Anemonefish, Common Clownfish, Nemo Fish. The Ocellaris has become the de facto poster fish for the saltwater fish trade. Made popular by the Disney movie "Finding Nemo" in 2003. Sales of A. Ocellaris has continued to increase ever since the movie was screened. The Australian Black ocellaris (Darwin's Black Ocellaris) is a naturally occurring color variation. Captive breeding has resulted in many color variations of A. Ocellaris like The Wyoming white, Designer Clownfish from C-Quest. Body coloration, generally bright orange, but there may be considerably color variations ranging from bright orange to reddish orange, brown orange, kaki orange, pale orange and black. Whatever the body coloration A. Ocellaris generally has three white bands, the middle band is a forward protruding bulge somewhat like a blunt arrowhead. Misbars, missing bars and jointed bars are not uncommon in captive bred Ocellaris. Often mistaken for A. Percula it is aptly named False Percula. The thick black coloration lining the three white bands of A. Percula is generally very fine or absent in A. Ocellaris. The False Percula is considered a hardy fish and does well in captivity.
Photo below: A. Percula & A. Ocellaris
Photo below: C-Quest Wyoming White and Designer Clownfish
Host Anemone Stichodactyla gigantea, Heteractis mertensii, Heteractis magnifica. In captivity they will also host, bubble tip anemones and carpet anemones.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Indonesia, Southern Islands of Japan, Australia, Philippines, Southeast Asia.
Amphiprion Allardi, aka Allard's Anemonefish/Clownfish, or African Clownfish, is not often seen in the aquarium trade. Although considered a rare Clownfish, it is fairly inexpensive. They are also a fairly hardy species.
Body coloration is dark brown to black.
Photos above and below: Amphiprion Allardi (Allard's Clownfish)
Allardi has its habitat overlapping the habitat of the Madagascar Anemonefish and is often mistakenly exported as the latter. However, the Madagascar Clownfish/Anemonefish (A. Latifasciatus) has a much broader middle band that is generally between ten and fifteen scales wide. Latifasciatus also has an emarginate to fork caudal fin.
Further, unlike A. Allardi, Latifasciatus has body coloration that is never over powered by excessive black coloration. All fins are generally light yellow to yellow, except for its caudal fin, which is generally pale to semi translucent white. Its caudal fin is often lined yellow on both upper and lower edges from the start of the caudal fin to the end tips. This lining is often white in juveniles and sub-adults.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes, Kenya, South Africa , Madagascar, Comoro Islands
Amphiprion Perideraion is also known as Pink Skunk Anemonefish, Rose Skunk Clownfish, Pink Skunk Clownfish, or False Skunk-Striped Anemonefish/Clownfish.
Body coloration is normally light pink, to pink, pink-orange hues, and peach-orange. Fins are semi translucent white. There is a single white stripe on its back, running from above the upper lip to base of caudal fin. There will be one narrow vertical band on each gill cover behind its eyes. This vertical band generally does not meet the horizontal white stripe on its back. In the wild, they are often seen in groups of five or more. The Pink Skunk Clownfish is a hardy addition to any saltwater aquarium.
Photo below: Amphiprion Perideraion
Host anemone Stichodactyla gigantea, Heteractis crispa, Maacrodactyla doreensis, H. magnifica( preference for this anemone)
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Indonesia, Southern Islands of Japan, Australia, Coral Sea, Fiji, Cocos and Christmas Islands, Eastern Indian Ocean, Vanuatu.
Amphiprion Thiellei, aka Thiellei's Clownfish/Anemonefish, is thought to be nature's hybrid Clownfish. Its has been suggested that it is a likely cross between A. Ocellaris and A. Sandaracinos. More documentation is needed to confirm this.
Body coloration is normally light orange, to orange, to brown orange, or reddish orange. In captivity they have been known to darken considerably to a medium brown-kaki body color. Large ovalish white patch appears on top of the head with a narrow vertical white band on each cheek behind the eye. White bands may, or may not, connect with the top white patch, but generally does. A white strip on its back, at base of dorsal fin, is generally not connected to the white patch on the head or white saddle patch on top of base of tail.
Photos above & below: Amphiprion Thiellei
Host Anemone Unknown in the wild. (likely S. mertensii, H. crispa) . In captivity, Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis crispa.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon ,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include veggies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Philippines and its near surrounding islands, Madang, and PNG.
Amphiprion Tricinctus, also known as Three Band Anemonefish/Clownfish, Three Striped Clownfish/Anemonefish, or Three Banded Anemonefish/Clownfish.
This is another saltwater/marine fish not commonly seen in the aquarium trade. Though found only in the waters around The Marshall Islands, it is considered a fairly inexpensive clownfish.
Body coloration ranges from kaki-orange, light orange, or light brown, to dark brown and diffused black. Generally those with a lighter body coloration will have yellow-orange or light brown snout. All fins except dorsal and caudal fins are yellow orange. Those with a dark brown to diffused black body coloration generally have light brown snouts. All fins are generally dark brown to diffused black, except pelvic and pectoral fins brownish yellow-orange, belly brownish yellow-orange. They have three white bands/stripe/bars, thus its name Tricinctus. It is not uncommon for Tricinctus to have two bars. It is nice addition to any saltwater fish aquarium.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon, tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure sure to include veggies in their diet eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for the A. McCullochi and A. Latezonatus the other 27 species of Clownfish/Anemonefish are basically tropical marine/saltwater fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F; SG: 1.022-1.025.
Amphiprion McCullochi, also known as McCulloch's Anemonefish/Clownfish, is a rare clownfish endemic to several small islands in the territorial waters of Australia.
This fish is extremely territorial, making it an aggressive Clownfish. It is even more aggressive towards members of its own species.
Normal body coloration is dark brown, bluish-purple, or dark navy-blue. The snout is generally white on those individuals with a dark body coloration, and light bluish-white on individuals with the bluish-purple body coloration. Fins are generally similar to body coloration, except pectoral fins, which are a semi translucent diffused pale coloration of its body coloration. Caudal fins are semi translucent white. Narrow white bars are on each cheek. These bars generally do not connect and have the appearance of an incomplete bar, similar to a misbar.
Host Anemone Heteractis crispa
Dietary Needs Clownfish/Anemonefish will readily eat meaty foods which icludes, enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, cod, tuna, salmon, prawn. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared fish foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to include veggies in their diet.
Water Temperature etc. A. Latezonatus and A. McCullochi are the only two species of Clownfish/Anemonefish that are considered sub-tropical marine fish/saltwater fish. Depending on seasonal temperatures Latezonatus generally dwell in water temperatures of between 63 and 76 degrees F. SG 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, Norfolk Island.
A. Latezonatus, aka Wide band (Wideband) Anemonefish/Clownfish, Blue-lip Anemonefish/Clownfish, or Wide-striped Anemonefish/Clownfish.
Latz have been successfully bred in captivity, but not without many problems such as misbars and missing bars. As its common name implies the Wideband Anemonefish has the widest middle band/strip/bar of the 29 species of Clownfish/Anemonefish. The McCulloch's Anemonefish and Latz are the only two Clownfish species that live in sub- tropical water temperatures of between 63 and 76 degrees F.
Host Anemone Heteractis crispa
Dietary Needs Clownfish/Anemonefish will readily eat meaty foods which icludes, enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, cod, tuna, salmon, prawn. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially prepared fish foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to include veggies in their diet.
Water Temperature etc. A. Latezonatus and A. McCullochi are the only two species of Clownfish/Anemonefish that are considered sub-tropical marine fish/saltwater fish. Depending on seasonal temperatures Latezonatus generally dwell in water temperatures of between 63 and 76 degrees F. SG 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, reef near Queensland.
Amphiprion Leucokranos is also known as White Bonnet Anemonefish/Clownfish, or White Cap Clownfish.
Leucokranos, like A. Thiellei, is thought to be a hybrid. The Cap Clownfish is thought to be a cross between A. Chrysopterus and A.Sandaracinos.
Body coloration is light to deep orange or brownish-orange. In captivity body coloration may change over time to blackish dark purple, depending on diet, lighting, etc.
It has a single white semi-oval patch on top of its head, giving it its common name "White Cap/White Bonnet" Anemonefish. A white band is on each cheek/gill cover. Some have their white bands connecting with their white head-patch, others do not. Both are acceptable. In addition, some specimens may have an additional narrow white patch on the mid-back. Leucokranos adapts well to aquarium life.
Host Anemone H. crispa, H. magnifica, S. mertensii
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily ear meaty foods. This includes; enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finelt chopped, mussel, shrimp, salmon, tuna, cod. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes and other commercially produced fish foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to include veggies in their diet eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. McCullochi and A. Latezonatus the other 27 species of Clownfish are basically Tropical saltwater/marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F, SG 1.022-1.025
Hone Range Papua New Guinea (PNG), Soloman Islands, Manus Island, New Britain.
The Sebae Anemonefish is a hardy fish. It is also an easy fish to keep. Adults are territorial, especially after paring. Sebae's are a fairly inexpensive species of clownfish.
Body coloration is predominantly black, with yellow underbelly, and yellow face. Pectoral, pelvic, anal, and caudal fins are generally yellow.
Host Anemone Stichodactyla haddoni.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon, tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pellets, flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores. Be sure to also include veggies, eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc, Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus the other twenty seven species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes Sri Lanka, India, Java, Sumatra, Maldive Islands, and southern Arabian Peninsula.
Amphiprion Pacificus is a new species of anemonefish recently discovered by Drs. Gerry Allen and Joshua Drew. Its physical apprearance and color are closer to A. Sandaracinos, with the latter's orange being more uniform.
Host Anemone H. magnifica
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon, tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes, and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores, so it is always good to also include veggies, eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc. With the exception of A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus, the twenty eight species of Clownfish/Anemonefish are tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat includes, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Western Pacific.
The Clarkii (A. Clarkii) is perhaps the hardiest and most widely distributed of all Clownfish species. Clarkiis can be found in Australia, Japan, Oman, PNG, Philippines, and most tropical waters. They do well in captivity and are among the easiest Clownfish to spawn in captivity.
It has been said that there are over nineteen color variations of Clarkiis; the most of any Clownfish species.
Their caudal fins are generally yellow, with all shades of yellow being acceptable. Dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins vary from orange to yellow.
Clarkiis generally have three white bars which vary in width depending on individuals as well as region.
Black Clarkiis found in Omani waters generally have two cobalt blue bars with the first bar generally pinched/constricted such as in A. Omanensis.
Photo below: Omani Black Clarkii
Host Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor, H. magnifica, S. gigantea, S. haddoni, H aurora, H. crispa, Macrodactyla doreensis, S. martensii.
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp, cod, salmon, and tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets, flakes, and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores, so it is always good to also include veggies, eg. kelp.
Water Temperature etc. With the exception of A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus, the twenty eight species of Clownfish/Anemonefish are tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025. Home Range Their natural habitat includes Japan, Oman, Indonesia, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Western Pacific.
The Mauritian Anemonefish (A. chrysogaster) is endemic to the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.
The body coloration of the melanistic variation of this anemonefish is dark grey to near black. Its snout ranges from diffused dark grey to diffused black. The non melanistic variety has a body coloration ranging from medium to dark blackish brown, with the snout going from light to medium yellow. Back dorsal fin and top of caudal fin generally has white edging. Anal fin is blackish or orange/yellow. Mauritian anemonefish have three white abrs/bands. Pectoral and pelvic fins are generally orange to yellow.
Photo below: Chrysogaster adult, sub-adult, and juvenile
Host Anemone Macrodactyla doreensis, S. haddoni, S. mertensii, H. aurora, H. magnifica
Dietary Needs Anemonefish/Clownfish will readily eat meaty foods which includes enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, finely chopped mussel, shrimp,cod, salmon,tuna. They can also be habituated to eat pallets,flakes and other commercially prepared foods. Clownfish are omnivores be sure to also include vegies, eg kelp.
Water Temperature etc. Except for A. Mccullochi and A. Latezonatus, the other twenty eight species of Clownfish/ Anemonefish are basically tropical marine fish that dwell in water temperatures of between 78 and 84 degrees F. SG: 1.022-1.025.
Home Range Their natural habitat is around Mauritius. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------